Signed Up for Free Apple Music Trial at Launch? Last Chance to Cancel Before You Are Billed

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If you are among those who signed up for the three-month free trial of Apple Music when it launched on June 30, then your trial is about to expire. Apple will start charging you Rs. 120 per month if you signed up for the individual plan, or Rs. 190 per month if you signed up for the family plan. If you love Apple Music, then this might seem like a good deal, but if you’d rather use another music streaming service or just don’t want to pay for Apple Music, then you should cancel your subscription before the three months are up.

Doing this is a simple process and you can cancel your subscription from the Music app on your iOS device itself. In case you don’t have your iOS device, or if you’d rather do it via a PC or Mac, you can stop your subscription from renewing automatically using iTunes. We have described this process in detail and all you need to do is follow the steps in our article.

If you are still on the fence about which music streaming service to use in India, we’ve compared them all to help you make the choice. Apple Music remains one of the best streaming services for international music, but if Indian music is a big part of your playlist then you might want to consider other alternatives.

Did you cancel your Apple Music subscription or do you like it enough to pay for it? Let us know via the comments. For more tutorials, visit our How To section.

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